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Required immunizations before first day of school August 15, 2017


To: All parents and guardians
From: Office of Health Services
Re: Immunizations required prior to 2017-18 school year
Date: 4/4/17; rev. 6/28/17

     It is time to take action for the 2017-18 school year to make sure our students have the required immunizations before the start of school on Tuesday, August 15, 2017.
     All students in grades 7 and 12 are required to have immunizations prior to the first day of school.
     Seventh grade students must have a Tdap and a meningitis shot. Twelfth grade students must have a minimum of one meningitis shot after the age of 16. Two meningitis shots are required if the first dose was before age 16.
     Students without documentation of vaccination will be excluded in August.
     Contact Virginia Noe, Director of Health Services, at 542-3405.


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