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Regarding the Oregon District Tragedy


On behalf of the entire Dayton Public Schools family, we express our deep sadness regarding the terrible tragedy in the Oregon District. The consequences of this weekend’s shooting are unimaginable for the victims and families. We are aware that three of the victims whose lives were senselessly snatched from us were part of the DPS family.

With all of Dayton, we grieve for the dead, pray for the wounded, and recognize that if it were not for our heroic first responders, this would have been far worse. Those first responders, City Manager Shelley Dickstein and Mayor Nan Whaley have been stalwarts standing strong for all of Dayton. Dayton Public Schools will follow their courageous and compassionate lead by helping Dayton’s children and parents deal with these events in the most effective manner possible. 

Any DPS staff, parents or students who need support during this difficult time may contact their building’s principal for information about the resources available to them. 

–Elizabeth J. Lolli, Ph.D., Superintendent and Dr. William E. Harris, Jr., Board President

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