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Notice Re: High School Busing Quadrants

Alexandra KincaidBelmont High School News, Dunbar Early College High School News, Meadowdale High School News, Mound Street Academy News, Ponitz Career Technology Center News, Stivers News, Thurgood Marshall News

As with elementary and middle school student busing, students are bused within quadrant for high school. The only exception applies to students attending David H. Ponitz CTC, Meadowdale CTC or Stivers School for the Arts. Students who attend one of these specialty schools are eligible for out-of-quadrant busing, if busing is needed.

Additionally, students with an IEP that requires busing will also be transported to the assigned school. Students selecting a high school out of the quadrant that is not listed above will not receive bus transportation. Parents are responsible for out-of-quadrant transportation. This practice has been in place for elementary and middle school students for the past several years and continues as we add high school students to the bus routing.

*Please note: students must still live within the district to get busing to Ponitz, Meadowdale or Stivers.

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