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Dayton Public Schools seeks dedicated parents, community members


Alex Kincaid
Writer and Content Specialist

For Immediate Release

The Parent, Family and Community Council to launch March 19

Are you a parent of a child in Dayton Public Schools or a Dayton community member who would like to be more involved in the direction of our schools?

The DPS Parent, Family and Community Council (PFCC) will launch March 19, and is seeking 12-15 members who want to help develop parent and community engagement in our schools.

Involved parents and committed community members are crucial to creating outstanding schools and improving attendance and student success.

One goal of the council will be to ensure each building has a parent-teacher organization (PTO). The council will work closely with PTOs and the Dayton Board of Education to study problems and make recommendations.

Board of Education Vice President Jocelyn Spencer Rhynard will provide an in-depth presentation about the PFCC at the Tuesday, March 19 board meeting. Anyone interested in applying to be on the committee is welcome to attend to learn more. The meeting begins at 5:30 p.m. in the DPS Community Room at 115 S. Ludlow St.

The PFCC is a consolidation of several former parent engagement committees.

Anyone who lives within the boundaries of the Dayton City School District is welcome to submit an application. Members will serve for a period of one year. To learn more, visit: To apply, go to

Applications must be submitted by April 30.

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