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Dayton Public Schools paraprofessional awarded scholarship – 02-25-2019


Western Governors University Ohio awarded a Rosa Parks Early Learning Center paraprofessional a $2,000 scholarship

Alex Kincaid
Writer and Content Specialist

For Immediate Release

Sherrie Bair with check from WGU Ohio

Western Governors University Ohio awarded a Rosa Parks Early Learning Center paraprofessional a $2,000 scholarship

Sherrie Bair, a paraprofessional at Rosa Parks Early Learning Center, was awarded a $2,000 “Become a Teacher” scholarship from Western Governors University Ohio on Friday, Feb. 22.

WGU Ohio visited Rosa Parks with a giant check to officially give Bair the scholarship. The money will assist her in earning a bachelor’s degree in order to become a special education teacher.

Bair was a stay-at-home mother and earned her associate degree after her daughter left for college. She thought she would be satisfied teaching preschool at a child care center, but while teaching at DPS, she realized her passion was special education and that she wanted to pursue higher education in order to become a teacher.

“My student teaching assignment was in a classroom that includes children with disabilities,” Bair said. “I immediately became interested in special education and knew that my academic journey was not over.”

The scholarship amounts to about 15 percent off each term, according to WGU. The school is about half the cost of other online universities and “maintains a robust program of scholarships” for qualified students. 

According to WGU, the school is “an ideal match for busy, working adults who need a degree to advance their careers.” 

Learn more about WGU’s teacher scholarship offerings.

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