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Dayton Public Schools aims to increase parent and community involvement through new council


Alex Kincaid
Writer and Content Specialist

For Immediate Release

BOE Member Jocelyn Spencer-Rhynard discussing PFCC

Dayton Public Schools is seeking 12-15 members for the Parent, Family and Community Council (PFCC), which officially launched Tuesday, March 19. 

During a presentation to the Board of Education Tuesday, Jocelyn Spencer Rhynard said parent involvement – in any form – has a positive effect on academic success. 

Rhynard encouraged parents, guardians and community members to submit an application for the council. 

“If you want to make change, if you’re as committed to this district as I am, please submit your name and I would love to have you on board,” Rhynard said.

The council exists to create and support parent-teacher organizations (PTOs) in each building. The council will work closely with PTOs and the Dayton Board of Education to study problems and make recommendations. 

The PFCC is a consolidation of the Community Education Council and the Dayton Education Council, which were established in the early 1980s. 

Parents, guardians and family members of children in Dayton Public Schools, and community members who live within the district’s boundaries are welcome to apply. Volunteer members will serve for a period of one year. To apply or learn more, visit:

Applications must be submitted by April 30.

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